Understanding the link between stress and constipation

  1 min


  • Stress

Life's daily challenges can influence our body in surprising ways, and the digestive system is no exception.

The inner workings of stress on your system

When stress strikes, it's more than just a mental strain; it triggers physical changes, such as:  

Gut-brain bonnection 
Our digestive tract is filled with nerves that regulate digestion. Stress can interfere with this gut-brain relationship, slowing down food movement through the tract and potentially causing constipation.  

Feeling full in the abdomen 
Stress can affect the intestinal wall's permeability, allowing inflammation-inducing compounds to enter, which may result in bloating.  

Body's defensive mechanism 
Under intense stress, our body releases adrenaline, focusing on keeping vital organs like the heart and brain functioning optimally. This shift means less support for the digestive system, which can slow down intestinal movements.

Ways to alleviate stress

If stress seems to be a constant companion, consider these simple yet effective ways to find relief:  

Engage in physical movement 
Regular movement is crucial for overall health. A short walk several times a week can do wonders. Sometimes, moving your body can help get things moving internally.  

Pamper yourself 
Dedicate some moments for self-care. It could be as simple as enjoying a warm bath, immersing in calming music, diving into a captivating book, or practicing mindfulness.  

Seek expert guidance 
If stress, anxiety, or feelings of sadness persistently affect your life and digestion, it's time to consult a healthcare professional. Remember, your body often signals when it's time to pause and reassess. Listen to it.

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