Safe and effective relief can be found in laxatives when lifestyle changes just won’t cut it. From fiber to stool softeners to stimulants, remember, it's not just a load of…

Bloating is a common experience. 53% of adults the UK have experienced bloating in the past.1
It is this feeling of fullness, or pressure in your abdomen that’s called bloating. It is a common symptom of multiple digestive complaints, including constipation. In fact, constipation and bloating go hand in hand.
Keep reading to learn more about bloating, gas, and constipation, including the causes, and when it might be time to contact a doctor.
Bloating isn’t always visible to the naked eye. In cases when bloating is accompanied by visible swelling, this is known as distension. The symptoms can last for a short period, or they can be persistent, making them an ongoing concern.2
Here are the 5 most common causes of bloating.
You might be dealing with constipation if you're experiencing fewer than three bowel movements a week, must strain when you feel like you want to go to the toilet, or have a persistent feeling of incomplete evacuation. This is when you go to the bathroom, but it feels like some of your stool is still trapped inside your gut or rectum. Other symptoms like stomach pain, flatulence, and bloating can also accompany constipation.2,3
According to a recent study, more than 90% of those with constipation experience bloating.4 So, what exactly is the relationship between constipation and bloating? When you’re blocked up and struggling to pass your stool, recently digested food just sits in your stomach for longer than usual. This extra volume of stool can cause bloating, as everything expands to make room for it.5
Before and during their period, 75% of women experience bloating. Water retention and intestinal gas can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, which in turn leads to bloating. Likewise, oestrogen receptors in the gastrointestinal tract may also influence sensitivity to bloating.5
Gas is all around us, and it’s also a very normal byproduct of digestion. However, individuals with medical conditions such as celiac disease may produce too much gas. This occurs because they have trouble absorbing nutrients like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
Some people experience gas after consuming dairy products, sugars, or legumes due to having difficulties when digesting them. In addition, some people seem more sensitive to sugars as well, producing gas because of trying to digest them. Finally, certain foods, such as legumes, also produce more gas during digestion. People with excess gas who experience bloating are believed to evacuate gas less efficiently, which may further contribute to their feelings of fullness. 2,6,7
We all have days when we eat a little too much at mealtimes, or even in between meals. After a heavy meal, it’s not uncommon to feel bloated. Your stomach is about the size of a fist, but after a big meal, it expands to accommodate what you've eaten. As a result, you may feel bloated and extra full for a while, until your stomach has broken down all the food.8
IBS's symptoms, such as stomach pain, diarrhoea, bloating pain, constipation, and cramping, can be distressing. Talk to a doctor or pharmacist if you experience these symptoms regularly and are concerned you may have IBS.2
Why is bloating so common in constipation? There are multiple reasons, but simply, and first off, when you are constipated, stool takes longer to pass through your colon and leave your body through the rectum. This means that bacteria have more time available to ferment food and produce gas. This of course means more gas in your colon. It’s as simple as that.10
Constipation is never fun and has the potential to affect many aspects of our lives. According to research, 12% of constipated individuals miss work or school, and 60% have impaired ability to work.17
Several factors can cause constipation, including your diet, medical conditions, and lifestyle. The good news is that many people with constipation find relief from painful bloating when they manage their constipation. So, how can you get rid of constipation and bloating? To start, let's look to science for help.13
Over-the-counter medications are valuable allies. Dulcolax, for example, is an option for people experiencing constipation. A full range of products are available, including tablets, liquid and suppositories.
Certain foods, like a class of carbohydrates called FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols), can cause bloating, abdominal pain, and discomfort. This is because they’re not digested well and produce gas. Some foods that are high in FODMAPs include dairy milk, beans and lentils, eggs, and wheat products.18
Research shows that a low-FODMAP diet can relieve bloating and abdominal pain. Additionally, carbonated beverages can cause gas, which may worsen your bloating.6,15
Observe how you feel after eating certain foods, to try and understand which foods are causing your bloating. Talk to a pharmacist or doctor before making any major changes to your diet.
Even at times it may feel like ‘Gum would be perfection,’ gum also has the power to make your trousers feel a lot tighter than usual. Chewing gum causes you to swallow air, which can get trapped in your digestive system and cause your stomach to expand.16
Exercise can be an effective bloating remedy as well. Movement contracts your abdominal muscles, stimulating your digestive tract, and helping to eliminate gas. Break a sweat to keep your digestion in check.17
There is no cure-all solution for bloating that works for everyone. Talking to a doctor or pharmacist is the best action if you regularly feel that uncomfortable fullness in your abdomen.
With the help of expert guidance, you can identify the root cause of the problem and find the best solution for you, to help you enjoy all the wonders of life without that tummy full of unwanted gas.
* Works in 30 minutes to 6 hours
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