Canadian Digestive Health Foundation. Understanding the Prevalence and Impact of Constipation in Canada A Special Report from the CDHF. February 2014
Poop should be a part of your regular health routine. It’s one of the ways your body lets you know that your digestive system is working properly. Unfortunately, 1 in 4 Canadians suffer from constipation, characterized as having less than 3 bowel movements per week.
Occasional constipation can have an impact on your quality life and negatively affect your daily habits. Nobody knows your body better than you – so, trust yourself and take care of your body when you feel it needs it. We are here to help you better understand what occasional constipation is and how you can relieve yourself of it.
Canadian Digestive Health Foundation. Understanding the Prevalence and Impact of Constipation in Canada A Special Report from the CDHF. February 2014
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